

名も無き滝 an obscure fall

I found a waterfall named "Kuraniapia fall" in the map, so I went to there. I climbed such gentle slope road from Hilo.Back ground is Hilo town. 
There was a little but fine Hotel end of the road and the water fall was beside it.
This path was in the private property of this hotel, so there was a post "No trespassing except the guest of this hotel"
I negotiated a charming lady and got permission. The water fall was also a very charming!
We can see the Hilo Airport and town from the hotel. I forgot the price of this hotel exactly, but it was little bit expensive.


大地震と津波(6) tremendous earthquake and tidal wave(tsunami)(6)

These are photos from weekly magazine "Friday" The emergency evacuation place was attacked by Tsunami. Many people died in this gymnasium.
Rescuers were trying to take out dead body under the car.
It is the most miserable photo. These are articles left by the children, victims of the earthquake. Comparatively new Satchels behind might be the belongings of children of the 1st grade of elementally school. We call them "Randosel" and almost every pupils of elementally school go to school with them on their back. These move us to tears.
Please Clasp your hands in prayer! 


ホイティントン公園 Whittington Park

The ruins of s pier, used for shipment of sugar cane, is a park now. 

It is small but very quiet and beautiful park, and good place to take a picnic lunch.
But there is a monster with a terrible look near the pier. It is a kind of farce to stick out long tongue.
It is a typical lava tube from Mauna Loa. Hot lava run long distance trough this cave keeping hot temperature and fluidity.The tongue is the last lava become solid. A jocular boy went to the cave, he did not mind bad foothold,and made a good subject for photos.


ネネ(2) Nene Goose(2)

Just beside the High-Way I saw a protected bird, Nene. The speed limit of this road is 55ml/h so every car runs at breakneck speed. But he did not care them and were eating something .
Many sign boards around there said "Nene closing""Don't feed Nene"
They are endanger spices and protected. So they don't afraid human beings. He completely ignored.
(see Ravel Life-Nene)


ラマ教の寺院 Temple of Tibetan Buddhism

南回りのハイウェイでキラウェアを過ぎてしばらく行ったところに、パハラという小さな村があります。そこから、草原と森の中を8kほど行ったところに、突然カラフルな旗が現れて、小さな小さなラマ教(チベット仏教)の寺院があります。 周囲は何もありません。
On the high-way passing Kilauea about 30ml. distance toward the south there is a little village ,Pahala. From this, passing through the field and forest go 5miles suddenly colorful flags appear. There is a small, small temple of Tibetan Buddhism. Nothing around there.
孔雀が羽を広げて歓迎してくれました。(突然の闖入者を威嚇しているのかもしれませんが )
A peacock welcomed us spreading his wings. (or he threatened sudden intruders)
The main hall of a temple of Tibetan Buddhism is very colorful, compare with Japanese Buddhist temple. Dalai Lama ⅩⅣvisited here 1999.
Several peacocks and peahens were walking trough the garden.
The peacock's reverse side. I have never seen it before.
He is a Lama who maintains this temple alone.
When I met him I was shocked because he looked like my father passed away 15years ago. Whenever I see this picture I feel as if he is speaking to me as that time.
Because the temple filled with the sense of Transmigration, Tibetan Buddhism preach us.